

Washing instructions

Wool, Wool Silk and Wool Silk Cotton

Wash your wool, wool silk and wooly cotton items with a lanolin-containing wool detergent. This ensures that your wool items remain in the best condition.

Wool (silk) has a self-cleaning ability and therefore does not have to be washed often. Our advice is to only wash wool in case of considerable stool accidents, considerable (acid) spitting or visible stains. Simply throwing a piece of clothing out of habit at the end of the day is not necessary.

Most wool (silk) clothing labels will advise hand washing but modern washing machines usually have a good wool washing program. It is important to wash and rinse at the same temperature.

Important when washing wool (silk) is that the temperature remains constant. Crimping wool is not done by hot water, but by alternating between hot and cold water. Therefore, it is also important NOT to wash the wool on a 'cotton program' of 30C.Then it can happen that at 30C is washed and rinsed cold. Due to the change in temperature, in combination with friction, wool (silk) clothing can shrink. With a good wool washing program, the temperature remains the same and there is no hard centrifugation.

Wool can not go into the dryer, then it can shrink.

Wool (silk) is best to dry flat. Especially heavy wool garments can be deformed by the weight if they are laid hanging to dry (think of thick knitted sweaters for example). Do not dry wool silk clothing in the (bright) sun. Through the denaturation of the proteins, the silk can yellow in the sun.


Wash your cotton clothes according to the washing label on a cotton wash program at 30 / 40C. If there is a print on the clothes, your clothes were inside out.

Do not let your wax hang in the (bright) sun for too long. Then the fabric can fade.

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